POWER SONIC蓄电池DCG12-120厂家现货充足

有效期: 2022-03-01

数量(件) 价格
1 100元/件
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1件
  • 发货地址: 济南
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2021-03-01
  • 访问量:131


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:薛广贺
  • 手机:18366190202
  • 电话:0531-6786362
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 经销商-私营独资企业
  • 所在地区:山东 济南市
  • 家家通积分:20分


品牌 POWER SONIC蓄电池 规格型号 DCG12-120
编号 齐全 计量单位 1件
付款方式 面议 参考价格 100
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
说明书,报价手册及驱动 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载 暂无相关下载
产地 法国 发货地 济南









  How to connect a battery in Series?

  The positive terminal of the first battery is connected to the negative terminal of the second battery, the positive terminal of the second is connected to the negative of the third, etc. The voltage of the assembled battery is the sum of the battery voltages of the individual batteries. So the batteries are connected: + to - to + to - to + to -, etc. The capacity of the battery is unchanged.

  How to connect a battery in Parallel?

  The positive terminal of the first battery is connected to the positive terminal of the second battery, the positive terminal of the second is connected to the positive of the third, etc. and The negative terminal of the first battery is connected to the negative terminal of the second battery, the negative terminal of the second is connected to the negative of the third, etc. So the batteries are connected: + to + to + and - to - to -. In this configuration, the capacity is the sum of the capacities of the individual batteries and voltage is unchanged. For example, if you take 5 6V 10AH batteries and connect the batteries in series, you would end up with a battery array that is 30 Volts and 10AH. If you connect the batteries in parallel, you would end up with a battery array that is 6 Volts and 50AH. By the way, this is how ordinary auto batteries are made. 6 2volt cells are put in series to give 12v battery and the 6 cells are just enclosed in one case. Many ni-cad batteries are done the same way.

  POWER SONIC蓄电池应用领域与分类:

 ◆免维护无须补液;< UPS不间断电源;

  ◆内阻小,大电流放电性能好;< 消防备用电源;

  ◆适应温度广;< 安全防护报系统;

  ◆自放电小;< 应急照明系统;

  ◆使用寿命长;< 电力,邮电通信系统;

  ◆荷电出厂,使用方便;< 电子仪器仪表;

  ◆安全防爆;< 电动工具,电动玩具;

  ◆独特配方,深放电恢复性能好;< 便携式电子设备;

  ◆无游离电解液,侧倒仍能使用;< 摄影器材;

  PS and PSH-Series General Purpose used for :

  Emergency Lighting

  Burglar/Fire Alarms

  Data Centers

  Solar and Alternative Energy

  Portable Communications

  Wind Turbines


  Remote Monitoring

  Portable Video Equipment

  Portable Lighting

  Photographic Equipment

  Scientific Instruments

  Test and Measuring Equipment

  and much more...

  PG-Long Life and PHR-High Rate Series used for :

  Communication & bbbecom Systems

  UPS - Uninteruptible Power Supplies

  Power Station Applications

  Remote Monitoring

  Remote Area Power Generation

  Remote Access Devices

  and much more...

型号 标称电压 额定容量 尺寸/重量
V 20hr 总高 公斤  
PS-1272 12 7.2 151 65 94 98 2.40
PS-1280 12 8 151 65 94.5 100 2.5
PSH-1280FR 12 8.5 151 65 94 98 2.72
PS-1282L 12 9 196 56 118 118 3.13
PS-1282S 12 9 98 112 118 118 3.13
PS-1290 12 9 151 65 94 98 2.72
PS-12100 12 12.0 151 102 94 98 3.69
PS-12100H 12 10.5 151 65 112 118 3.28
PSH-12100FR 12 10.5 151 65 111 117 3.18
PS-12120 12 12.0 151 98 94 100 3.59
PS-12120L 12 12.0 215 70 146 146 3.99
PS-12140 12 14.0 151 98 94 100 4.09

  Can I take a wheelchair, scooter or other equipment that is powered by a sealed AGM or Gel battery on a airplane or cruise ship?

  Yes. There should be no problem, the battery is considered non-spillable, non-hazardous, since it is a absorbed glass mat design. These sealed lead acid valve regulated (VRLA) batteries are classified as "Battery, wet non-spillable, not subject to regulations" by DOT and IMO. By IATA they are classified as "Not restricted for air transport" and they are in compliance with IATA/ICAO special provision A67. For the gelled electrolyte batteries, they are classified as "Battery, wet, filled with acid, UN2794, Class 8". They can be legally shipped via air with special packaging etc.

  How do I Jump Start my Battery using booster cables?

  WARNING-BATTERIES PRODUCE EXPLOSIVE GASES. These instructions are designed to minimize the explosion hazard. Keep sparks, flames and cigarettes away from batteries at all times. Both batteries should be of the same voltage (6, 12, etc.).

  SAFE BOOSTER CABLE OPERATION When jump starting, always wear proper eye protection and never lean over the battery. Do not jump start a damaged battery; inspect both batteries before connecting booster cables. Be sure vent caps are tight and level. Be sure that the vehicles are not touching and that both ignition switches are in the "OFF" bbbbbbbb. Turn off all electrical equipment (radio, defroster, windshield wipers, lights, etc.)



  ◆免维护无须补液;< UPS不间断电源;

  ◆内阻小,大电流放电性能好;< 消防备用电源;

  ◆适应温度广;< 安全防护报系统;

  ◆自放电小;< 应急照明系统;

  ◆使用寿命长;< 电力,邮电通信系统;

  ◆荷电出厂,使用方便;< 电子仪器仪表;

  ◆安全防爆;< 电动工具,电动玩具;

  ◆独特配方,深放电恢复性能好;< 便携式电子设备;

  ◆无游离电解液,侧倒仍能使用;< 摄影器材;

  ◆产品通过CE,ROHS认证,所有电池< 太阳能、风能发电系统;

  符合标准。< 自行车、红绿示灯等。  


  < 密闭结构 (Sealed Construction)

  < 电解液悬浮系统 (Electrolyte Suspension System)

  < 气体再组合 (Gas Recombination)

  < 使用免保养 (Maintenance-Free Operation)

  < 任何方向可使用 (Operation In Any bbbbbbbb)

  < 低压力排气系统 (Low Pressure Venting System)

  < 高负荷格子体 (Heavy Duty Grids)

  < 低自行放电-长保存寿命 (Low Self Discharge-Long shelf Life)

  < 宽广的温度使用范围 (Broad Operating Temperature Range)




















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